Sillons de terre, sillons de mer
Une conteuse, un conteur, des images projetées… Magie des mots, magie des images se répondent, se combinent pour faire entrer le spectateur dans cette fiction où le cochon, le moulin, le cheval, les enfants… racontent. Ces histoires sont nourries par le riche terreau du collectage réalisé par plus de 30 personnes. Ce sont des histoires de femmes, d’hommes, travailleurs de la terre et de la mer.
Un spectacle, un hommage.

As you start planning for the college admission process, you’ll want to be sure that you are taking care of all of the important steps. One of those is making sure that you have written a great personal statement. The personal statement is a chance for you to really talk about who you are and why you want to go to college. It is a chance for you to show off your personality, so make sure that it is a good fit for the school that you are applying to. Once you have ozcco your personal statement, make sure that you are sending it in on time. This will ensure that it gets all of the consideration that it deserves.